Our customer service is available Monday through Friday to help you with all your questions and needs.
To make it as easy and quick as possible for you to reach us, we offer several contact options:
Direct Messages (DM) on Instagram: You can send us a direct message on our Instagram page for quick and easy communication. We aim to respond to your messages as soon as possible during our business hours. www.instagram.com/obsessed.se
Our website chat feature: Our website has a chat feature that allows you to chat with our support team. It's a convenient way to get answers to your questions or help with your order in real time.
The contact form: If you prefer to use a contact form, there is a dedicated page on our website where you can fill in your details and send us your message. We will respond via email shortly.
Email: You can also reach us via email at info@obsessed.se . We strive to respond to emails as soon as possible.
Our goal is to provide you with fast and efficient service, regardless of which contact option you choose. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, requests or need help with anything. We are here to assist you!